Egads It’s Pink!

Why yes, it is! So why, may you ask, did I make this site so very pink? I could quote my children, and just simply say, “Because I do!”. And while that would indeed be accurate, the underlying reason is that over a series of time, I have created many other web sites that were either burgundy-and-black themed (worked at two different colleges – both of which had burgundy-and-black colors – go figure), or other earth and/or muted tones. Decided I wanted a change, so here’s my new blog that looks like it was hosed down with Pepto Bismol!

And what do I intend to post on this pink blog? Most likely, the rambling thoughts of a techno-geek Southern woman (yes, that would be me), and posts on my own topics of interest, that hopefully others will find interesting too.

So thanks for reading my first post, and please feel free to share your thoughts on any posts!